When it comes to the health and safety of our families, we all naturally want the best for them. One way we can make sure that happens is by making sure they eat and drink the best. By doing that, we can drastically reduce the risk of injury and disease. Unfortunately, the food and beverage industry often tells us that we need to consume more sugar in some of our foods and beverages, and this is a practice that needs to end.

For years, all fruit juices were required to have labels that read “no added sugars” (NAS), leading many people to think that fruit juice was sugar-free. But, they were mistaken. Since fruit juice is made from 100% fruit, it naturally contains sugar. In fact, there is natural fructose in the fruit, which can contribute to weight gain and cravings.

Some companies who manufacture fruit juice make claims on their labels that their product is “No added sugar” or “Sweetened with fruit juice”, but the FDA requires that these claims be backed by a scientific study to prove that the product contains no added sugars. The most common type of product being sold in stores that contain “added sugars” is fruit juice.


Is the claim of “no added sugar” on 100% juice products deceptive? The court decided in a recent case against Kroger, a major supermarket company, that it was not. Sonia Perez, the complainant, claimed that 100% juice cannot carry a “no added sugar” designation since 100% juice products never have added sugar.

Yes, you may make “no sugar added” claims on 100 percent juice, a California court told Kroger.

Customers may be comparing the juice to other drinks that do include added sugar, according to the court, who found in Kroger’s favor. However, the crucial argument regarding fruit juice and sugar is missed in this lawsuit. Even though 100% fruit juice has no added sugar, it is nevertheless high in sugar. In other instances, 100% juice has as much sugar as a soda – the sugar is just not added. What’s more, guess what? Your body is unconcerned with where the sugar comes from. People, sugar is sugar.

To understand more, see our list of the least and most sugary beverages below.


The Best and Worst of Low-Carb Drinks

The word “sugar” can have many meanings. For example it can refer to table sugar, which is not the same thing as fruit juice, the latter of which contains no sugar at all. The confusion appears to stem from the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which states that sugars in the diet should come from “complex carbohydrates,” which include fruit juice.. Read more about fda juice labeling and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does 100% percent fruit juice count as part of the fruit category?

No, 100% fruit juice is not a part of the fruit category.

Is 100% fruit juice considered a fruit?

Yes, 100% fruit juice is considered a fruit.

What does it mean when it says 100% juice?

It means that the battery is fully charged.

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