Brussels sprouts are a perfectly healthy vegetable, but they have grown to be a bit of a polarizing vegetable at our house. My husband loves them, and my kids love them, but I can’t stand the stuff. I have tried them roasted, sauteed, braised, and in candied form, and I have yet to find one that I enjoyed enough to make a regular part of my diet.

Nutrition is a bigger challenge for many people in our society than it used to be. While the food pyramid recommends you get about 22-35% of your daily calories from fat, the United States Dietary Guidelines has revved up to a whopping 20%. The problem with this is people are not eating enough fat, and the right kind of fat at that. By learning how to incorporate more fat into your diet, it helps your body and brain function at optimal levels.

Making a low-carb diet as simple as possible to follow is one of the best ways to reach your weight loss goals. Here are some great low-carb side dishes you can enjoy with your Keto meal plan.. Read more about keto roasted brussel sprouts with bacon and let us know what you think.


These delectable roasted Brussels sprouts may just persuade the skeptics!

Do you or a loved one suffer from a fear of germs? If that’s the case, we think these roasted Brussels sprouts are the greatest and simplest meal we’ve ever prepared.

Roasting these lovely tiny veggies is such a fast and simple method to bring out their flavor! I have to confess that it wasn’t until recently that I realized how much I like Brussels sprouts, and they are now a regular side dish in our home!


We now prefer Brussels sprouts since a single serving of this ketone-friendly dish provides 77 percent of the daily required vitamin C intake and just 3 grams of net carbohydrates. Oranges, you’ve been defeated! Furthermore, this meal is simple to prepare, nutritious, and delicious.

Even if you’re not a lover of Brussels sprouts, you’ll definitely change your mind after trying these dishes. You must give them a try!


How to make easy roasted brussels sprouts

  • How to make easy roasted brussels sprouts
  • Remove the yellow outer leaves and trim off the brown ends of the sprouts before halves them.
  • The Brussels sprouts are baked on a rimmed baking sheet. The raised sides allow shaking or stirring the pan during baking without loosing the sprouts much simpler!
  • I used olive oil for this dish, but I’ve also used coconut oil and found it to be excellent. Next time, I’m going to use bacon grease since I believe it’ll be delicious!



Brussels sprouts fried

..: SERIES 6

Time to prepare: 5 MINUTES



The simplest method to prepare Brussels sprouts, with wonderfully caramelized pieces of this low-carb veggie as a consequence!

  • Brussels sprouts, 1 pound
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • a half teaspoon of salt
  • a half teaspoon of pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.2
  2. Wash and cut the Brussels sprouts in half.
  3. Brush with olive oil (or coconut oil) and season with salt and pepper.

30–35 minutes in the oven (I sometimes flip them halfway through so they cook evenly). Have a blast!

6 servings (about 2/3 cup each serving) 72.3 calories per serving | 4.7 grams of fat | 6.8 grams of total carbohydrates | 2.9 grams of fiber | 2.6 grams of protein | 3.8 grams of net carbohydrates

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These roasted Brussels sprouts are stunning as well as tasty!

Roasting brussels sprouts imparts a nutty taste to this little vegetable, and it cooks up well as a simple roast. Our family liked how crispy and tender these were when they came out of the oven, with a deep, caramelized taste.


We never have leftovers in our home, in fact! My kids don’t eat a lot of veggies, however my daughter could easily finish this dish! Roasted Brussels sprouts are a favorite of hers, and I hope you love them as much as she does!

Make these Brussels sprouts with bacon oil.

I got my first Brussels sprouts this year, and boy, were they delicious! Roasted Brussels sprouts are a quick and easy side dish and a great low carb vegetable alternative. I made these for dinner last Sunday and they were a hit. The roasted Brussels sprouts were delicious and so much better when the Brussels sprouts were roasted instead of boiled.. Read more about keto brussel sprouts, parmesan and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you eat with roasted brussel sprouts?

Brussel sprouts are a great side dish to serve with roasted chicken, pork, or beef.

Are brussel sprouts okay on a keto diet?

Brussel sprouts are not allowed on a keto diet.

Are brussel sprouts good for low carb diet?

Brussel sprouts are not a low carb food.

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