Yoga has been used to help people maintain balance in their lives for thousands of years. Now, with the growth in popularity of yoga and its benefits, there is an increase in its use by animals. These animals range from dogs, to birds, to cats, and all sorts of other animals. However, these animals aren’t just doing it for fun. Yoga practices have been shown to have many benefits for both people and animals, including reducing stress, helping animals cope with pain, and even improving their mental well-being.

Yoga is an ancient practice that has been practiced for thousands of years. It is a practice that allows you to connect with the divine and it is a practice that can be practiced by anyone, regardless of age, sex, body size or shape. It’s a practice that can benefit both your mind and your body.

The yoga train has been a hit and miss affair for a long time. You either love it or hate it, but who can afford to miss out on an opportunity to get in a quick flow, can they? But what if none of those animals you have seen on TV seem to have so much as the slightest interest in the practice? Well, you can be happy today as we bring you a new set of 15 adorable animals doing their part on Yoga, and with this video you can be sure that you too can join the yoga train!

You love animals and you love yoga. So it makes sense that you love yoga animals, right?

If you need a pick-me-up, want to cheer yourself up, or just want to have some fun, check out these 15 adorable yoga animals.

1. Standing on his feet is easy for this chimp

2. Down Dog – not only for dogs

3. Have you ever felt this way in a snowplow position?

4. Not the seal pose… but King Cobra

5. Even giraffes need baby poses

6. How does it feel to do the cricket pose after a supercharger

7. This bear really likes to plan

8. Am I doing the right thing?

9. There is nothing like a well-fitting forward bend

10. Look at this tree pose!

11. Have you ever seen such a cute (and fluffy) cobra pose?

12. Now *this* is a happy savasana

13. What is your head and knee position?

14. Resting in the cobbler’s stance

15. Closing with meditation in the lotus position

Did you like these yoga animals? What is your favorite yoga pose named after an animal? Share it with us in the comments below!

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