Plow Pose is one of the many yoga poses that is performed in yoga class. It is named after the one who first performed the pose: Bikram Choudhury. To do this pose, you need to lie down on the floor on your stomach with your head facing down. Your forearms and knees will be supporting your torso while your arms, back, and legs will stretch out. Then, your head and chest will be lifted up.

Plow pose means to lie on the floor with your legs straight and your arms outstretched, paralleling your body. It is an excellent yoga pose to stretch your lower back and invigorate your whole body. A plow pose is also the perfect pose to do when you are feeling stuck or depressed, and gives your body a mental break from the heaviness of life. In fact, it is one of the very few poses renowned to banish depression and purify your mind.

My teacher always said at the beginning of the spine series: Bend over so you don’t break. I love this line and use it a lot in my classes now. It couldn’t be more appropriate than now for this week’s pose, Halasana, the team pose. Let’s take a look at its delicious benefits and give it a try!


An advanced posture that calms the mind, stimulates the internal organs, activates the thyroid, stretches the shoulders and hamstrings, Halasana improves spinal flexibility. Fold so it doesn’t break.

It can relieve back pain, bring fresh blood to the brain and help with headaches, sinusitis and insomnia. It relieves stress and energizes the body. Teachers often do it at the end of class because it requires a flexible body, open hamstrings and a focused mind.

I like this pose as a preparatory pose for Savasana. Yes, you heard right, this is the preparatory posture for Savasana, one of the most difficult postures of all yoga asanas.

Step by step

  1. Lie on your back and put your palms on the mat next to you.
  2. Inhale, activate your core and lift your feet off the ground until they are at a 90 degree angle.
  3. Support your hips and lower back with your hands and lift them off the floor.
  4. Continue upward, making loops at the hips and supporting the legs just above the head. Press your toes firmly against the mat behind your head and press hard on your heels. Lift the thighs and tailbone to the roof of your mouth and pull the inner thigh towards the pelvis.
  5. Create a space between your chin and your chest.
  6. If you want to stretch your shoulders further, move your hands away from your lower back, stretch them in the opposite direction on the mat and cross your palms. Press them against the mat to raise your hips and thighs even higher.
  7. To exit slowly and in a controlled manner, place your hands behind your back, bend your hips so that your feet are above your hips (90 degree angle) and slowly descend vertebra by vertebra.

Tips, tricks and limitations

  • At the beginning of the pose, press your shoulder blades together to straighten. As you do this, try to create a space between your shoulder blades. It’s a small movement, but it can promote good alignment.
  • Stand up, stand up and stand up so that your spine is straight. In this position, we tend to round the lower back. Instead, actively bring your hips up and place them just above your shoulders. Tighten your lower abdominal muscles and try to get a long, strong, straight back. This adjustment is difficult because it is subtle, but that is the beauty of yoga – there is always room to move.
  • Listen to your body! If your feet don’t fit comfortably on the mat behind your head, use a support, such as a chair. For example, a chair or a wall where you can put your feet. For neck pain, you can use different folded blankets to adjust them. Just lay them flat along the shoulder line, under the upper back and the base of the neck. The top of the head should rest flat on the mat and the shoulders and upper back should be slightly raised by the blankets.
  • If you have a neck injury, it is best not to do this pose for a while or consult your doctor before trying it.
  • If you are pregnant and already practice this pose regularly, you can continue it until it becomes uncomfortable for your belly. If you haven’t practiced this pose yet, wait until Bubba is born to try it.
  • Prepare your body with a good warm-up to generate heat; bridge and shoulder position.
  • Then do the dove man pose if you have one in your practice, wind pose, butterfly pose, sitting forward bend as paschimottanasana or savasana.

Have fun and keep us posted on your adventure with the team!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Plow pose dangerous?

Plow poses no danger to the user.

How do you do a Plough pose?

The Plough pose is a yoga pose that stretches the shoulders, chest, and back. It is also known as the “downward facing dog” or “upward facing dog.”

Why can’t I plow pose?

You can’t plow pose because it’s not a natural movement.

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