There is a new movement in medicine and wellness called “integrative medicine”, which can be defined as a medical approach that combines the best of conventional and alternative medicine to create a comprehensive, patient-centred and individualized healthcare system. Under this ideology, your health is more than just the sum of your medical conditions, and the best way to take care of your body is by treating the whole person. That’s why at listentomind, we write about the best natural treatments for many common medical conditions—and why they work, scientifically speaking.

The next time you’re visiting the doctor, you may be surprised to find out that you could be getting treatments that are over 70% natural! The list of treatments that can be easily delivered without surgery or prescription drugs is growing every day as new research shows that natural substances have significant benefits over their counterparts. Some of these treatments include: Chinese herbs, acupressure, homeopathy, Ayurvedic medicine, aromatherapy, homoeopathy, Reiki, chiropractic, naturopathy, reflexology, and massage.

Over the last decade, natural medicine has made a huge comeback, as people are more open to the idea that there are not one or two “miracle cures”, but many natural solutions that are effective and safe. While science has its role in determining which treatments are the best, there is an undeniable appeal to the fact that they are based on what is “natural” in the first place.

Are you looking for natural ways to lower your cholesterol? What’s your blood pressure? Diabetes? Is it possible that you have an autoimmune disease? Thyroid? Many of our customers come to us after receiving a new diagnosis (and scary). We assist them in reversing their situation by advising them on how to eat, exercise, and supplement.

On the surface, what we do — assisting individuals in losing weight and looking and feeling their best — seems to be a lot of fun.

It is, in many ways. We help our clients incorporate healthy eating and exercise into their lives in ways that are right for them, and then I get to share their inspiring nutrition-coaching stories, complete with challenges, doubts, perseverance, and triumph — as well as their incredible before and after photos — a year later.

Those elements, I must agree, are quite fascinating.

However, the majority of our customers come to us for a far more serious cause than just wanting to appear better.

Take a look at this:

Chart - how many medications do mean and women take each day?

A significant percentage of individuals who enroll in our nutrition coaching programs are coping with a particular health issue. Many people are taking several prescriptions and over-the-counter medications.

That doesn’t sit well with them.

They used to be in good spirits. However, when they went to the doctor, they learned that they had:

It’s a watershed moment.

Many customers say it seems like they went from “healthy” to “unhealthy” overnight since many of these health issues don’t have apparent symptoms (or don’t have symptoms that you’d know how to track until you’re diagnosed).

They don’t want to spend the rest of their life on medications. They want to feel — and be — healthy once again. They want to be in charge.

The good news is that assistance is available. And, more often than not, a different route.

Yes, I like assisting individuals in getting in shape and improving their everyday routines. But, to be honest, providing individuals with the knowledge, responsibility, and support they need to address these kinds of health issues via diet and other lifestyle choices excites me much more.

Because this is the sort of material that has the potential to alter — or perhaps save — people’s lives.

That’s why I contacted Dr. Spencer Nadolsky, a friend of mine. He’s a family medicine and obesity specialist with a board certification (as well as a certified PN Level 1 and 2 coach). We collaborated to provide natural recommendations for coping with various health issues.


Cholesterol Levels Are High

High cholesterol - an artist's rendition!

Cholesterol is a fat-like substance that plays many functions in the human body. To put it another way, we need it.

When you have too much cholesterol, however, the lipoproteins that transport it may get stuck in the artery walls, where they combine with calcium, fat, cellular debris, and fibrin (a substance involved in blood clotting) to create plaques that block the arteries.

It’s essential to understand that having high cholesterol may mean having high total cholesterol, high LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and/or high triglycerides (another measure of fat in the blood).

So, what’s the big deal about it being so high? High cholesterol may, in certain cases, be inherited. Other times, it’s due to a diet high in saturated fat (from animal foods) and low in vegetables.

What does your diagnosis imply?

A lipid profile is typically included in a basic cholesterol test, which contains a few essential components.

1. Cholesterol in lipoproteins

Lipoproteins are small proteins that carry cholesterol throughout the body (basically, imagine passengers riding an inner tube in a water ride, and you get the idea).

A typical exam might contain the following:

  • LDL cholesterol, often known as “bad cholesterol,” is a kind of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. In general, you want to keep the number of these minimal.
  • High-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, often known as “good cholesterol,” is a kind of cholesterol. These transport cholesterol to the liver, where it is recycled and processed. Higher numbers are generally a positive sign.

2. Triglycerides are a kind of fat that may be found in the body

Triglycerides, a kind of fat found in the circulation, have also been related to heart disease. They’re kept in fat cells all throughout the body. In most cases, you want them to be lower.

3. Cholesterol total

This is your total cholesterol level in your blood.

Cholesterol levels tend to rise with age, but this does not have to be the case. Many people, particularly in areas where traditional foods are still practiced, maintain excellent blood chemistry throughout their lives.

The good news is that reducing your cholesterol sooner rather than later has been shown to reduce your risk of coronary heart disease.

(See for additional information on interpreting your lab tests.)

What you can do in response

Statin medications and other lipid-lowering medicines are often seen as a fast cure.

However, these medications may cause memory loss, trouble focusing, decreased exercise tolerance, muscular soreness, and depression, making it harder to prioritize lifestyle changes that might improve your health.

While these medications may be necessary in certain instances, changing your diet may be an effective complement — or even a replacement — therapy.

Ask your doctor about lifestyle changes you may make before taking medication if your LDL cholesterol level is between 160 and 190 and you don’t have heart disease, diabetes, or other risk factors, according to Dr. Nadolsky.

Most physicians will insist on a prescription if your LDL level is over 190, unless they can link it to a clear dietary decision (for example, more than one of Dr. Nadolsky’s patients has seen their cholesterol drop when they cut down on their Bulletproof Coffee habit).

These lifestyle changes may help you avoid (or decrease the length of time you’re on) medications.


When body fat is reduced, cholesterol and, in particular, triglycerides are reduced.

So, if you’re overweight, think about making some lifestyle changes to help you reach a healthy weight. (Fortunately, most individuals benefit from even little weight reduction, such as a few pounds.) To be healthy, you don’t have to become an underwear model.)

A diet rich in vegetables, according to Dr. Nadolsky, is a solid bet.

This will assist you in:

You don’t have to totally eliminate meat from your diet. Simply add additional plants to the mix.

Here are a few options for getting there:

  • Each meal should include one serving of vegetables and/or fruits. Add a handful or two of colorful plants to each meal (such as dark leafy greens, orange carrots, or purple berries).
  • Wherever possible, look for whole grain alternatives. Consider substituting wild or brown rice for white rice, sprouted bread for white bread, or oats for your usual morning cereal. Including these whole grains in your diet may reduce your risk of blocked arteries by 30%.
  • Serve with a side of legumes. Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are rich in fiber, which binds to cholesterol in the digestive system and improves digestion.
  • Nuts, seeds, fatty fish (such as salmon), avocado, and olive oil are all good additions. They include beneficial lipids that decrease LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL (“good”) cholesterol.

Reduce your sugar consumption if your triglycerides are high. Less sugar implies less extra blood fat, since your liver utilizes sugar to create triglycerides.


Working out — particularly a combination of aerobic and strength training – lowers cholesterol by:

  • assisting you in losing body fat (keep in mind that less body fat means less blood fat);
  • modifying enzymes that may help you lower your triglycerides; and
  • assisting with stress reduction (which also contributes to poor cholesterol profiles and CVD).

Make an effort to accomplish something every day if at all feasible. After a meal, even a 20-minute stroll may help lower triglycerides.

Work up to 5 hours per week and combine low- and high-intensity activities, such as weights, intervals, and low-intensity cardio. It doesn’t matter whether you work out at the gym or not.


Each of these substances has the potential to help control cholesterol levels on its own. (This implies you don’t have to take them all to get the advantages.) Of course, before using supplements for a medical problem, see your doctor.

  • Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which may reduce triglycerides by up to 30%. 4 g per day is the recommended dosage.
  • Berberine is a plant alkaloid that may aid in cholesterol reduction by upregulating LDL receptors in the liver, lowering LDL levels in the circulation. Dosage: 500 mg twice a day, three times a day.
  • Spirulina: Spirulina is a kind of blue algae that has been shown in studies to help lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides by 10% and 24%, respectively. 4,500 mg per day is the recommended dosage.
  • Red rice yeast extract includes the same component found in statin medications, therefore it should only be used under the supervision of your doctor. 600 to 1200 mg twice a day with meals is the recommended dosage.
  • Plant sterols/stanols: These compounds may help to prevent cholesterol absorption. 2 g per day is the recommended dosage.
  • Soluble fiber traps cholesterol in the stomach and reduces absorption, which may help decrease cholesterol. 5-10 grams per day is the recommended dosage.

Ken’s resting heart rate has dropped from 96 to 59 beats per minute at the conclusion of the program. The measurement on his blood pressure was 110/60. His doctor contacted him following his cholesterol test. His doctor remarked, “Nobody your age is supposed to be this healthy.” “I need this program’s information so that I may share it with my other patients.”

Diabetes Type 2

Type 2 diabetes

Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas when blood sugar rises, typically after a meal, is an issue in Type 2 diabetes.

Insulin resistance and/or an incorrect insulin response may make it difficult for glucose to be stored correctly. This results in persistently elevated blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia).

Type 2 diabetes is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Obesity is a condition in (especially fat in the abdominal cavity)
  • cardiovascular disease
  • Inflammation throughout the body
  • muscles with poor nutrition storage

What does your diagnosis imply?

Diabetes type 2 significantly raises the risk of mortality and disability.

Consider the following scenario:

  • At least 65 percent of diabetics die as a result of a cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or stroke.
  • In people aged 20 to 74, diabetes is the main cause of new instances of blindness.
  • Kidney failure is most often caused by diabetes.

What you can do in response

One or more medicines to increase insulin production, limit glucose synthesis, or enhance insulin sensitivity may have been prescribed by your doctor.

Regardless of whatever medications you’re taking, lifestyle modifications are the cornerstone of type 2 diabetes treatment.


Any eating pattern that aids in slimming down can enhance blood sugar levels. That’s because, according to Dr. Nadolsky, as fat in the belly and around your organs disappears, so does insulin resistance.

There are many reasons in favor of a Mediterranean-style diet with modest carbohydrate intake, which has been shown in studies to regulate blood sugar levels and decrease waist circumference better than other diets.

This is due to the fact that the diet:

  • lowers the amount of processed sugars and carbohydrates you consume, thus lowering blood sugar.
  • Saturated fat (found in foods like butter and red meat) is replaced with beneficial fats (from fatty fish and olive oil).
  • Plants contain phytonutrients that may enhance insulin sensitivity, as well as fiber, which delays sugar absorption.


Working out aids in the management of Type 2 diabetes by:

  • increasing blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity (high-intensity interval exercise in particular);
  • body fat reduction;
  • increasing cardiovascular health; and
  • lowering stress levels

Because diabetes impacts how your body metabolizes energy, work with your doctor on an activity plan. Consider the following:

  • what type(s) of medication(s) are you taking?
  • when you decide to accept it;
  • your blood sugar levels before and during exercise (as well as how your blood sugar reacts);
  • what you ate before working out; and
  • what kind of workout you’re doing


Before using supplements for a medical issue, always see your doctor.

  • Berberine is a plant alkaloid that improves insulin sensitivity and may benefit people with type 2 diabetes. Dosage: 500 mg twice a day, three times a day.

“Before I began coaching, I was classified as pre-diabetic. I had to take medications, get check-ups, and tests… It was expensive, and I wasn’t dealing with the root of the issue. But, with the exception of a regular check-up, I haven’t gone to the doctor in over a year. My doctor is blown away with my progress.” – Customer

Blood Pressure That Is Too High

Blood cells going through the body - artist's rendition

You probably didn’t pay heed to these two figures shouted off by the nurse at your doctor’s office in the past.

You’ve just been informed your blood pressure is persistently high, and you need to know what it means.

  • The pressure in your arteries during a heartbeat is represented by the top number (systolic).
  • The pressure in your arteries when your heart is resting between beats (diastolic) is the bottom number.

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is produced by the hardening of blood vessels and arteries, and may be caused by:

  • A issue with the salt-balancing function of your kidneys
  • Unbalanced hormones
  • Immune system issues
  • Genetics
  • Sedentary behavior
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Excessive sodium consumption (usually from processed foods)
  • Obesity or being overweight
  • Stress

What does your diagnosis imply?

Blood pressure has a big influence on how healthy you will be in the future.

High blood pressure puts you at risk for a variety of illnesses. If the pressure in your blood arteries is damaged, you should:

  • You may become blind if you don’t take care of your eyes.
  • You may need dialysis if your kidneys fail.
  • You may have a heart attack if you don’t take care of your heart.
  • You may have a stroke or acquire Alzheimer’s disease if your brain is damaged.
  • You may develop peripheral vascular disease in your legs and arms.

What you can do in response

If you manage your blood pressure today, just like the 35-year-old guy above, you significantly reduce your chance of associated health issues and mortality.


Once again, the objective is to achieve (and maintain) a healthy weight and body fat percentage. Fat cells generate chemicals that cause inflammation in the blood arteries and heart, which raises blood pressure.

Here are some pointers:

  • Each meal should include one serving of vegetables and/or fruits. The higher the percentage of plants in your diet, the better. This will help you reduce salt consumption while increasing potassium and magnesium intake, all of which assist decrease blood pressure by improving valve flexibility.
  • Include healthy fats in your diet by include a couple of servings of fatty salmon each week. The effect of omega-3 fatty acids on eicosanoid synthesis, which helps regulate artery dilatation and platelet aggregation, has been related to reduced blood pressure.
  • Reduce your intake of processed foods. This is one of the simplest methods to reduce sodium (salt) consumption. Without making any other adjustments, reducing salt consumption from 6,000 mg per day (a normal intake in North America) to 2,300 mg or less may decrease blood pressure by ten points.
  • Alcohol should be used in moderation. One glass per day — especially red wine — may modestly decrease blood pressure (especially in women); but, more than that can contribute to high blood pressure by increasing triglycerides (blood fats) and weight gain.


Exercise aids in the attainment and maintenance of a healthy body weight. It also aids with the elasticity of your blood vessels and the effective functioning of your heart.

Mix low-intensity aerobic, high-intensity interval training, and strength training into your workout. Weight training or other organized exercises — at least 5 hours of exercise each week — may help reduce blood pressure significantly.

But be careful: Using the Valsalva technique while lifting may raise blood pressure, so go for shorter sets with longer breaks and keep an eye on your pulse rate.

Because stress may exacerbate high blood pressure, try engaging in stress-relieving physical activities such as walking or hiking outdoors.


Each of these substances has the potential to help control blood pressure on its own. (This implies that you don’t have to take both to get the advantages.) Of course, before using supplements for a medical problem, see your doctor.

  • Magnesium: If you’re lacking in magnesium, supplementing it may help lower your blood pressure. But first, get checked. 400 mg per day is the recommended dosage.
  • Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that may assist to lower blood pressure. 100 mg per day is the recommended dosage.

“My doctor was astounded by how fast and thoroughly I was able to reduce my blood pressure, sugar, and cholesterol levels… We didn’t think it would be feasible without drugs. We’re both believers now.” – Customer

Autoimmune Illness Is a Kind of Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune disease - an artist's rendition

Your immune system attacks healthy organs and tissues in your body (incorrectly) in autoimmune diseases. Experts aren’t sure what causes autoimmune disorders, but they believe it’s a mix of genetics and environmental factors.

Autoimmune disorders are on the increase in the United States, with 24 million individuals affected.

The following are examples of common autoimmune diseases:

  • rheumatoid arthritis is a kind of arthritis that affects the joints.
  • lupus
  • diabetes type 1
  • Irritable bowel syndrome,
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that affects people (MS)
  • Eczema and psoriasis are examples of skin disorders.
  • Graves’ disease or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis are two thyroid disorders (also see the Thyroid disease section below).

There are treatments for autoimmune disorders, but no cures (yet).

What does your diagnosis imply?

It may be difficult for your doctor (and unpleasant for you) to identify the issue since there are more than 80 kinds of autoimmune disorders, many of which overlap symptoms.

Symptoms that are common include:

  • fatigue,
  • dizziness,
  • Fever of mild intensity,
  • difficulties with the digestive system
  • headache,
  • fever,
  • skin that itches, and
  • Swelling and redness

Treatment is determined on the kind of autoimmune illness with which you’ve been diagnosed. While there are no treatments for these illnesses, some of them may go into remission.

What you can do in response

You may have observed that if you have an autoimmune illness, you have good days and terrible days. The illness may flare up at any moment, frequently without notice. It may settle down at times. It may be difficult to figure out why or what is producing the alterations.

Sufferers may also feel helpless.

Obtain information about yourself.

A symptom journal is one method to help yourself feel more in control.

This may help you and your doctor see trends, such as if certain meals, exercises, or other variables like sleep, stress, or hormonal changes appear to influence symptoms.

Consider keeping note of what you eat and whether or not you notice any changes in your symptoms.

If you have a food sensitivity or intolerance, your diet may be playing havoc on your digestive system, destroying gut cells and enabling food particles and other garbage to enter your bloodstream.

These kinds of triggers, which may seem harmless to others, may exacerbate inflammation by triggering your body’s immunological response to attack the perceived invaders.


For autoimmune diseases, there is no one-size-fits-all “best diet.” However, identifying dietary sensitivities and removing items that seem to aggravate your symptoms is an excellent place to start.

If you want to go further, try an elimination diet, in which you remove whole food categories for a few days and then reintroduce items one at a time, noting any responses you experience.

If you observe a response, try permanently removing the offending item from your diet (of course, talk to your doctor).

Food allergy and sensitivity tests should be discussed with your doctor. The latter is still being researched, but the results may be useful, particularly when combined with an elimination diet.

What about the Paleo-style diet, which is gaining popularity these days as a treatment for autoimmune diseases? According to Dr. Nadolsky, there is some evidence that the diet may assist by decreasing inflammation, but it is just speculation at this time.


Symptoms of autoimmune disease such as tiredness, weakness, pains, and chronic pain may make it difficult to get out of bed in the morning, much alone to the gym.

Finding a method to include low-impact exercise, on the other hand, may substantially decrease symptoms.

Exercising may help you:

  • energize yourself,
  • boost your mood,
  • increase agility and flexibility
  • endorphins, which are painkillers, are released.
  • lowering inflammation and
  • sadness and anxiety are alleviated

Consult your doctor about how to include exercise into your autoimmune treatment plan.


Before using supplements for a medical issue, always see your doctor.

  • Vitamin D has the potential to influence the immune system (especially in multiple sclerosis patients). Dosage: 1,000-2,000 IU each day; get your blood checked to obtain a more precise dosage.
  • Probiotics: These helpful bacteria may aid gut health by decreasing inflammation and autoimmune problems. The issue: There are so many distinct strains that it’s difficult to know which to take, how much to take, or how effective they are. But, as Dr. Nadolsky points out, there’s no harm in experimenting with a few different bifidobacterium and lactobacillus strains. Dosage ranges from 1 to 5 billion CFUs per day.

client David began to feel better after eliminating gluten from his diet. Yes, giving up breads, pastas, and other starchy gluten-containing foods was difficult. But it turns out that preparing healthy, nutritious food that tastes wonderful and doesn’t trigger his autoimmune reaction is simpler than he anticipated.

Thyroid Condition

Where are the thyroids in the body?

The thyroid gland is one of the body’s “master controllers,” regulating virtually all of the body’s main metabolic functions.

If you have a thyroid problem, your thyroid may produce too much or too little hormone (hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism) (hypothyroidism).

Iodine shortage may induce thyroid problems, although this is uncommon in wealthy nations.

The most frequent cause of hyper- or hypothyroidism is autoimmune disease, in which white blood cells and antibodies assault the gland’s cells, producing damage and malfunction.

What does your diagnosis imply?

It’s as if your body’s “motor” is revving at fast speed when you have hyperthyroidism.

Among the signs and symptoms are:

  • Palpitations and a beating heart
  • sleeping problems
  • Nervousness and tremor
  • weight loss
  • hair thinning
  • aches and pains in muscles
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and a hyperactive digestive system
  • perspiration and an inability to tolerate heat
  • exophthalmos (excessive tearing of the eyes) (bulging eyes)

The “motor” slows down with hypothyroidism. Among the signs and symptoms are:

  • weight increase that isn’t explained
  • difficulty to lose weight despite a well-balanced diet and workout routine
  • weariness, exhaustion, and sluggishness
  • melancholy and a loss of interest in usual pursuits
  • forgetfulness
  • hair and skin that is parched
  • swollen face
  • heart rate that is low
  • sensitivity to cold
  • constipation
  • nails that are brittle
  • muscular spasms
  • alterations in the menstrual cycle

What you can do in response

Hypothyroidism is treated with hormone replacement that is tailored to the requirements of each patient.

However, treating a thyroid imbalance does not result in weight reduction immediately. Even if you don’t have a thyroid problem, addressing diet, exercise, and lifestyle variables may help.


If your thyroid issue is caused by an iodine shortage (which is uncommon in the industrialized world since most people use iodized salt), obtaining extra iodine is critical. Iodized salt, salmon, and seaweed are some of the foods to pay attention to.

Ask your doctor whether you should avoid soy since it includes chemicals that may cause a goiter (excess thyroid tissue). When iodine consumption is low and soy intake is high, soy seems to induce thyroid issues.

An undiagnosed food intolerance may be to fault if your thyroid problem is autoimmune. Scientists are currently looking into the link between food intolerance and autoimmune issues, but there is some evidence that gut dysfunction, which is exacerbated by food intolerance, may cause the inflammation that exacerbates certain thyroid disorders.

Dr. Nadolsky believes it’s possible (though not definite) that treating food intolerance early on, before permanent thyroid damage occurs, may help you prevent hypothyroidism.

Consult your doctor about food sensitivity testing and an elimination diet, both of which may aid in the identification of food intolerances.

It’s critical not to remove foods before your doctor has an opportunity to test you for a condition like celiac disease, which is a gluten sensitivity.


While regular exercise may help alleviate some of the symptoms of thyroid disease, consult your doctor before increasing your exercise regimen.

Exercising before your condition is under control may be hazardous since hyper- and hypothyroidism interfere with your metabolism.

  • Working exercise while you have hyperthyroidism, when your metabolism is already cranked up, may cause you to overheat and possibly create cardiac issues.
  • Because your heart rate is reduced when you have hypothyroidism, exercise may seem too difficult at first.


Before using supplements for a medical issue, always see your doctor.

  • Probiotics may assist if your thyroid problem is caused by autoimmune disorders. Experts are yet unsure which strains or dosages are the most helpful. However, there’s no harm in giving it a try. Dr. Nadolsky recommends bifidobacterium and lactobacillus. Dosage ranges from 1 to 5 billion CFUs per day.
  • If your thyroid issue is caused by a lack of iodine, you should take this supplement. Dosage: Consult your physician.
  • Thyroid hormone is produced with the help of selenium. 200 mcg per day is the recommended dosage.

She stops for a minute, maybe reflecting on all the challenges she had to overcome: her age, thyroid disease, cancer, the relocation, restaurant meals, travel, and the death of a sister. She eventually replies, “Really, there’s no reason not to succeed at this.” “ Coaching is meticulously planned and executed. Anyone can do it if I can.”

What should I do next?

You’re not alone if you’ve just received a frightening medical diagnosis or are dealing with mild to severe chronic health issues that are affecting your quality of life.

Thousands of customers have come to us with health issues ranging from the most serious (such as terminal cancer) to minor annoyances (like chronic sinusitis or skin rashes).

Even before you start introducing medications and lifestyle modifications, a new diagnosis is always a delicate dance.

Here are some basic suggestions for getting through it all in a manner that is beneficial to your life and health.

1. Never walk into the woods by yourself

Form a support group; the larger the group, the better. This may include things like:

  • Doctors and other medical professionals
  • pharmacists who can provide medication advice
  • friends and relatives
  • Nutritionists, fitness trainers, and other professionals who can assist you in making lifestyle adjustments and discovering what you are capable of, despite any restrictions.
  • Counselors and therapists may assist you in dealing with the mental and emotional effects of medical issues.
  • etc.

Depending on your condition, “rehab” programs (such as cardiac rehab) may be offered to assist you in moving through the early phases of therapy.

It may help you recall crucial information if you have someone with you at your medical visits. When we’re worried or overwhelmed by a new diagnosis, it’s easy to forget or absorb information.

2. Carefully choose your information sources

When faced with a new diagnosis (or a set of perplexing symptoms), we often turn to Dr. Google and the world of health bloggers for guidance. We may get perplexed, overwhelmed, and explore bizarre alternatives such as an all-banana diet or listening into the universe’s vibrations.

Be a discerning shopper. Look for study and scientific proof.

Inquire with your doctor (or other healthcare professionals) about the sources of information they suggest. Make a case for believability.

3. Consult your physician. Pay attention to the directions

Self-diagnosis and self-treatment are not recommended.

Take any medications that have been given to you.

4. Consult your doctor and/or pharmacist if you alter your diet or exercise routine, or if you add any supplements

Even popular, “safe” over-the-counter medicines and supplements (such as calcium supplements or aspirin) may interfere with your prescriptions.

5. That being said, don’t be afraid to ask questions and speak out for yourself

According to Dr. Nadolsky, some physicians are eager to prescribe medications without giving you the opportunity to thoroughly consider lifestyle modifications.

Keep an open mind. Pose inquiries. Could you put your medications on hold (or stop taking them) while you work on a better lifestyle? Look into it.

Again, don’t stop taking your medications without first seeing your doctor.

6. Gain a better understanding of your own body and health

Keep track of your symptoms in a journal. Keep track of how things change from day to day. Keep an eye out for trends. Create your own own physical landscape.

Many illnesses, in particular, worsen when we’re anxious or consume things that our systems don’t like.

Bring this journal with you to your doctor’s appointment. This method may assist you and your doctor in resolving any health issues. To make it easier to recall, write down your doctor’s instructions.

7. Make sure you’re aware of all of your medication’s negative effects

Prescription and over-the-counter medications have significant impacts on metabolism, hunger, digestion, body composition, physical performance, and general health.

If you’re having trouble getting results from a good health and fitness regimen, it’s possible that underlying health issues or prescription usage are to blame. If you think this is the case, see your doctor and consider hiring a nutritionist.

8. If you work in the health or fitness industry, you should consider expanding your knowledge

The Level 1 Certification Program for health and fitness professionals teaches you how to deal with clients who have specific medical problems, how to handle medication usage, and much more.

Do You Want to Be the Healthiest, Fittest, and Strongest Version of Yourself?

Most people are aware that getting enough exercise, eating properly, sleeping well, and managing stress are all essential for looking and feeling better. However, they need assistance in putting that information into practice in the context of their hectic, often stressful lives.

Over the last 15 years, we’ve utilized the Coaching approach to assist over 100,000 customers lose weight, gain strength, and improve their health… over the long haul… no matter what obstacles they face.

It’s also why, via our Level 1 and Level 2 Certification programs, we educate health, fitness, and wellness professionals how to coach their own clients through similar difficulties.

Interested in Becoming a Coach? Join the Presale List to Save Up to 54% and Get a Seat 24 Hours Before the General Public

On Wednesday, July 14th, 2023, we will be accepting applications for our upcoming Coaching.

If you’re interested in learning more about coaching, I recommend signing up for our presale list below. Being on the list provides you with two distinct benefits.

  • You’ll get a better deal than everyone else. We want to reward the individuals that are the most engaged and driven since they always create the greatest customers. If you join the presale list, you’ll save up to 54% off the general public pricing, the lowest we’ve ever given.
  • You’ll have a better chance of getting a place. We only offer the program twice a year to ensure that clients get the particular care and attention they need. We sold out in minutes the last time we started registration. By signing up for the presale list, you’ll be able to register 24 hours before the general public, boosting your chances of getting in.

This is your opportunity to transform your body and your life with the assistance of the world’s finest trainers.

[Note: If you currently have your health and fitness under control but want to assist others, look into our Level 1 Certification program.]

The use of herbs, supplements, and natural remedies are a popular choice for people who want to do some form of natural health care. Some people want to use these options to supplement the medical treatment they receive, others want to use these options as their main treatment, and of course, there are those who are just curious about the topic and want to learn more.. Read more about alternative medicine and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some natural remedies that fight illness?

Some natural remedies that fight illness are ginger, turmeric, and garlic.

What is the best natural medicine?

The best natural medicine is a healthy diet and exercise.

What is the best way to treat an illness?

There is no one best way to treat an illness. It depends on the illness and its severity. For example, if you have a cold, it might be best to rest at home and drink lots of fluids. If your symptoms are severe, you should see a doctor for treatment.

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All About Creatine |

Creatine is a naturally occurring substance within our bodies that helps our…