We all love to work out and we love to follow a program, but what happens when we get injured, stop exercising, or don’t have access to the gym? In these cases, it is in our best interest to take a closer look at our pills and other prescriptions.

The amount of money you spend on prescriptions each year can add up to a hefty sum. Between managing prescriptions and buying vitamins to help with absorption, it is no wonder that many people are spending their hard-earned dollars on these products.

I’m sure most of you are familiar with the stimulant effects of caffeine, but can you really get jittery from having a cup of coffee? Sure, a latte may have some benefits, such as improving your mood and improving focus. However, the interesting thing is that caffeine can also have some negative effects as well. Here are the top 9 things you may not know about caffeine.

Medications have a lot of power. They have the ability to alter your body’s reaction to a diet and exercise regimen. Here are some of the most frequent ones to keep an eye out for.


Medications have a lot of power. They have the ability to alter your body’s reaction to a diet and exercise regimen. Here are some of the most frequent ones to keep an eye out for.

Medications have a lot of power. They have the ability to alter your body’s reaction to a diet and exercise regimen. Here are some of the most frequent ones to keep an eye out for.

Because certain medicines may hinder you from losing weight, building muscle, or enhancing your athletic performance, we ask.

In this post, we’ll offer you a quick rundown of the most frequent medicines that our patients bring to us.

We’ll also go through some of the possible negative effects of these medicines.

The Pharmaceutical Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to the

In the past century, medicine and pharmacology have made tremendous advancements.

The good news is that we’re living longer and better in developed nations.

Common, treatable illnesses and dietary deficiencies no longer kill or disable us.

Aches and pains, an upset stomach, or allergies are just a few of the common problems we can help with.

The drawback is that we often wind up taking a lot of medicines to do this.

Most of us use one or two medicines on a regular basis. However, an increasing number of us are taking several medicines on a regular basis.

The prescription habits of our clientele

When they first begin coaching with us, many of our clients are taking medication on a daily basis.

Female customers are more likely than male clients to use medicine because they take more hormones (particularly for birth control) and suffer from autoimmune illnesses, migraines, anxiety, and depression.

Over half of our female customers are on some kind of medication, and many of them are on several medications. Female customers have been observed taking 10 or more medicines at the same time.

(Gentlemen, don’t become too cocky.) More than a third of you are also taking medication. We know you’re taking a lot of medications to control your cholesterol, blood pressure, and gastrointestinal issues.)


What is the significance of pharmaceutical use?

You may not consider the significance of your medicines in achieving outcomes while thinking about reducing weight and building muscle.

Your medicine, on the other hand, may be impacting — even actively impeding — your development.

Here, we’ll look at some of the most often prescribed medicines and the impact they may have on your diet, exercise, and general health.

We’ll offer you some recommendations on what to do next at the end of this post.

Notes of importance

First and foremost, three essential warnings.

1. We do not advise you to stop taking any suspicious medicines immediately. Any changes in your medication should always be discussed with your doctor and/or pharmacist.

2. We are not claiming that “medications are always bad” and that “pharmaceutical-free life is always good.” We understand that medicines may make the difference between a good — or functional — day and a bad one for many people. If you’re taking prescription medicines, you’re undoubtedly worried about your health. We’re just providing you with some facts that you may not have considered when deciding whether or not to take a specific medication.

3. We do not cover all of a medication’s possible adverse effects. These are just the side effects that are important to individuals who want to reduce weight, build muscle, and/or enhance their athletic ability.

What did we examine?

Types of medications

This list was created using new client intake data from our coaching programs. As a result, this is data gathered from tens of thousands of individuals.

While our clients take a wide range of medications, the following are some of the most common types of medications they take on a regular or irregular basis.

Gender-specific medication kinds
Men Women
Anti-hypertensive Statin Anti-depressant/anti-anxiety Management of insulin and glucose PPI – Stomach Aspirin Beta-blocking agent Antihistamines are used to treat allergies and asthma. Beta agonist for Thyroid Allergy/Asthma Hormones are a kind of hormone that is produced by the (testosterone) Hyperlipidemia Allergy/asthma NSAID – corticosteroid Gout is a kind of arthritis that affects (uricosuric) ADHD medications that diuretic Blood thinner with antiviral properties Anti-depressant/anti-anxiety Birth control for the thyroid Antihistamines are used to treat allergies and asthma. Anti-hypertensive NSAID Corticosteroids are used to treat allergies and asthma. PPI – Stomach Beta agonist for allergy/asthma Hormones are a kind of hormone that is produced by the (progesterone) Hormones are a kind of hormone that is produced by the (estrogen) Management of insulin and glucose Statin Diuretic Migraine caused by corticosteroids Aspirin Opioids are narcotic pain relievers. a sleeping pill Beta-blocking agent

Notes on medication

Stimulants are often used to treat ADHD.

Antihistamines (which block histamine release), beta-agonists (which act on beta-type adrenergic receptors, in this case typically “ramping up” heart rate and sympathetic nervous system function), and corticosteroids (which “dampen down” inflammation) were divided into three categories because they work differently.

Hyperlipidemia: These medications are often used in conjunction with statins to reduce cholesterol and lipids.

Insulin/glucose management medications, such as Metformin, are often recommended for Type 2 diabetics and prediabetics who have poor insulin or glucose control.

Proton pump inhibitors (sometimes known as “acid blockers”) are a kind of medication used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Painkillers: We’ve separated them into a few groups:

  • Technically a painkiller, aspirin is often used for its blood-thinning and heart-attack-prevention properties.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) include ibuprofen and naproxen.
  • Heavy-duty opioid medicines, such as morphine derivatives.

Uricosuric: This is a gout medication that works by increasing uric acid excretion in the urine.

Negative effects

We separated side effects into a few categories to determine what would be essential to our customers seeking to reduce weight, build muscle, and enhance their fitness or sports performance.

Liver function, nausea/vomiting, diarrhea/constipation, and changes in appetite or hunger are all examples of gastrointestinal issues.

Pain, dizziness, and neurologic muscle weakness are all symptoms of the nervous system.

Metabolic: This refers to the digestion of glucose and lipids (fats), as well as metabolic syndrome/Type 2 diabetes and weight gain.

Cardiovascular problems (e.g. heart rhythm abnormalities), electrolyte management (e.g. sodium/potassium levels), fluid (e.g. water retention), hypertension, or blood clots are all examples of circulatory/cardiovascular complications.

Mood, concentration, sleep, and perceived energy levels are all examples of mental-emotional factors. Memory and cognition are also mentioned since they have an impact on your capacity to remember information (such as dietary recommendations), follow directions, stay focused on a plan, and make wise choices.

Hormonal: This category comprises hormones such as adrenal, thyroid, and sex hormones, all of which influence metabolism and body composition.

Muscle discomfort and weakness, cramping, and bone and soft tissue injury are all examples of musculoskeletal problems.

Medication limiting vitamin or mineral absorption, or nutrient shortages manifesting as other health issues are examples of nutritional interactions (e.g. anemia or insomnia).

Other: This includes things like increased or reduced perspiration or poor body temperature regulation, FDA lactation warnings, and ominous-sounding things like “purple toe syndrome” (yeah, that’s a thing — who knew?).

We were surprised to see how much even relatively “safe” medicines may affect body composition, metabolic health, and athletic performance after we mapped out all of the pertinent side effects.

We began to understand that this was serious business. This is something that our customers and coaches should be aware of.

Even over-the-counter medications may have a big impact on your fitness, nutritional response, metabolic environment, recuperation, and general health.

A list of potential adverse effects.

Here are some of the most prevalent medicines’ adverse effects, as mentioned above.

We are unable to provide you with a comprehensive list of all possible adverse effects. You won’t have to deal with them if you don’t want to.

Some of these adverse effects are caused by the medicines’ own activities. Other complications arise as a result of nutritional shifts or depletions (such as alterations in the way our bodies process minerals or electrolytes).

However, based on our list of popular medicines, there are a few important points to keep in mind.

Antihistamines are used to treat allergies. 

Allergy medicines, along with NSAIDs, were among the most often used OTC pharmaceuticals on a daily or regular basis.

Important side effects include:

  • Nausea/vomiting is a gastrointestinal ailment.
  • Nutrient interactions: May cause melatonin deficiency, resulting in sleeplessness and metabolic disturbances.

Beta agonists are used to treat allergies.

These are inhaler-style medicines that “open up” restricted airways and are most known to allergy and asthma sufferers.

Important side effects include:

  • Gastrointestinal: It’s possible that it’ll make you feel hungry.
  • Tremor, muscle weakness, and spasms are symptoms of the nervous system.
  • Homocysteine levels are high (as a result of low B6)
  • Circulatory/cardiovascular: Increased heart rate and risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD); postural hypotension
  • Anxiety, sadness, and sleeplessness are examples of mental-emotional disorders.
  • Vitamin B6 and potassium may be depleted as a result of nutrient interactions.
  • Other: According to a meta-analysis of 19 research looking at the safety of this kind of asthma medicine, people who take it are more than twice as likely to be admitted to the hospital as those who take placebos. The medication Advair, for example, comes with a black box warning that warns patients about severe dangers, including the possibility that the treatment may exacerbate asthma symptoms. According to the study, Advair may be to blame for up to 80% of the 5,000 asthma-related fatalities that occur each year in the United States. The FDA issued a warning regarding long-acting beta agonist medications in reaction to these results.

Corticosteroids are used to treat allergies.

Note that these are typical adverse effects of corticosteroids in general, and that they will vary depending on the dosage and kind.

Important side effects include:

  • Gastrointestinal: It is widely known that corticosteroids stimulate hunger and/or induce weight gain; changes in smell or taste are other common side effects.
  • Increased blood glucose and cholesterol levels; weight gain (particularly visceral and on the upper back/neck); increased CVD risk
  • Edema (fluid retention); high blood pressure; anemia; heart abnormalities are all circulatory/cardiovascular issues.
  • Mood swings, impatience, anxiety, sadness, and sleeplessness are all mental-emotional issues.
  • Amenorrhea, hypogonadism (which affects muscular health), adrenal insufficiency, poor stress tolerance, and hypothyroidism are all hormonal issues.
  • Musculoskeletal: Bone loss, muscle/joint discomfort and cramping (especially after steroid discontinuation), and delayed healing
  • Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, folic acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, and chromium may be depleted.
  • Other: Infections of the mouth and lungs

Antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications

Many individuals, particularly women, are taking more than one of these medications, and many of them have been linked to weight gain.

Important side effects include:

  • Diarrhea or constipation; changes in taste; GI discomfort; nausea/vomiting; potential liver damage (rare); appetite disturbance
  • Dizziness, tremors are symptoms of the nervous system.
  • Weight gain (metabolic)
  • Hyponatremia is a condition that affects the circulatory and cardiovascular systems (low sodium)
  • Anxiety and increasing depression; tiredness; sleep disturbance; insomnia; mental-emotional:
  • Hormonal: Women’s irregular menstruation; hormonal imbalances
  • Muscle or joint discomfort is referred to as musculoskeletal pain.
  • Nutrient interactions: May cause melatonin deficiency, resulting in sleeplessness and metabolic disturbances.


Anti-hypertensive medications widen blood arteries and dilate the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone (RAA) system, creating a larger “pipe” for blood to flow through. Anti-hypertensives may have serious adverse effects since the RAA system is involved in fluid/electrolyte balance and heart control.

Important side effects include:

  • Gastrointestinal: upset stomach; diarrhea; taste disturbances (rare); constipation (rare); acute pancreatitis; nausea/vomiting; hepatitis; jaundice; acute pancreatitis; nausea/vomiting; hepatitis; jaundice
  • Dizziness is a symptom of the nervous system.
  • Hyperglycemia (rare); hypoglycemia (common).
  • Cardiovascular events (including heart attacks); congestive heart failure; palpitations; edema; potassium disruption; improper anti-diuretic hormone (ADH) production; low blood pressure
  • Depression, sleeplessness, and tiredness are all mental-emotional issues.
  • Gynecomastia is a hormonal condition (in men)
  • Musculoskeletal: Muscle discomfort, back pain, cramping, and rhabdomyelosis are all examples of musculoskeletal problems (rare)
  • Other: Some antihypertensive medications may affect enkephalin metabolism and cholinergic action. Antihypertensives have therefore been related to mental problems such as mania, cognitive difficulties, and even hallucinations on rare instances.

Beta-blockers are a kind of medication that prevents

Beta blockers work in the opposite way as beta agonists, preventing stress hormones like epinephrine (adrenaline) from attaching to beta receptors in cells. They’re used to treat a variety of heart problems, as well as hypertension. Beta blockers have the most significant impact on an active population in terms of reduced exercise tolerance/endurance and hypoglycemia.

Important side effects include:

  • Diarrhea, dry mouth, nausea/vomiting are all symptoms of a gastrointestinal problem.
  • Dizziness is a symptom of the nervous system.
  • Hypoglycemia and altered lipid and blood glucose metabolism are metabolic disorders. When beta blockers are used with diuretics, the risk of diabetes is increased.
  • Cardiovascular events; edema; hyponatremia; hyperkalemia (low potassium); low blood pressure are all examples of circulatory/cardiovascular issues.
  • Sleep problems, nightmares, and insomnia are all mental-emotional issues.
  • Interactions between nutrients: CoQ10 and melatonin levels may be depleted, resulting in decreased energy and cardiac function, as well as sleeplessness.

Contraceptive pills

Birth control hormones have different effects depending on the formulation/brand, synthetic vs. bio-identical hormones, dose, and administration mode (e.g. oral, injections, implants, transdermal, etc.). The most popular birth control drugs are covered by these adverse effects.

In our experience, most women who use synthetic hormones (i.e., most commercial birth control formulations) have difficulty reducing weight.

Important side effects include:

  • Abdominal discomfort, nausea/vomiting, jaundice, and gallbladder issues are all symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders. Focal nodular hyperplasia, intrahepatic cholestasis, liver cell adenomas, hepatic granulomas, hepatic hemangiomas, and highly defined hepatocellular carcinomas are all rare liver adverse effects.
  • Weight gain is a metabolic condition. Lipid metabolism disruption: Progestins may lower HDL (and HDL2) cholesterol levels while raising LDL cholesterol levels. Because estrogen counteracts the effects of progestins, lipid profile alterations are influenced by the relative quantity, type, and strength of estrogen and progestin in a particular product.
  • Edema; anemia; increased homocysteine; blood pressure deregulation; circulatory/cardiovascular: Cardiovascular events and cardiac abnormalities; edema; anemia; raised homocysteine; blood pressure deregulation
  • Depression, anger, memory loss and “brain fog”; fatigue/lethargy are all mental-emotional symptoms.
  • Bone demineralization; muscular spasms are musculoskeletal problems.
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, and folic acid, as well as magnesium, selenium, and zinc, may be depleted due to nutrient interactions.
  • Other: Immune system dysfunction

Insulin/glucose-controlling medications

Coaching clients who are still establishing healthy eating habits and regular exercise, or who have a lot of body fat, often have disturbed glucose and insulin regulation (as do women with PCOS), therefore they use medications like Metformin to assist with this. Unfortunately, some of the underlying issues, such as weight gain, may be exacerbated by this medication class.

Important side effects include:

  • Gastrointestinal: bloating and gas; taste alterations; nausea/vomiting (associated to hypoglycemia); raised liver enzymes; jaundice; increased appetite
  • Dizziness is a symptom of the nervous system.
  • Weight gain, hypoglycemia, dyslipidemia, and diabetic acidosis are all metabolic problems.
  • Edema, hyponatremia, and low blood pressure are all symptoms of circulatory/cardiovascular disease.
  • Nutrient interactions: May deplete CoQ10, vitamin B12, and folic acid, leading to cardiovascular problems, a weakened immune system, and low energy; anemia, tiredness, weakness, increased cardiovascular disease risk; birth defects, cervical dysplasia, anemia, heart disease, and cancer risk; anemia, tiredness, weakness, increased cardiovascular disease risk; anemia, tiredness, weakness, increased cardiovascular disease risk; anemia, tiredness, weakness, increased cardiovascular disease risk; anemia, tired

Anti-inflammatories that aren’t steroidal (NSAIDs)

Many individuals use them for minor aches and pains as well as more chronic issues like arthritis or long-term injury rehabilitation. Unfortunately, they have serious GI and cardiovascular adverse effects, and they may even exacerbate existing musculoskeletal issues or obstruct recovery.

Important side effects include:

  • Constipation; nausea and vomiting; dyspepsia; diarrhea; stomatitis; peptic ulcerations; gastrointestinal hemorrhage or perforation; ulcerative esophagitis; eosinophilic colitis; salivary gland inflammation; pancreatitis; gastroesophageal reflux; flatulence; diverticulitis; dry mouth; dysphagia (trouble swallowing); gastritis; hepatitis
  • Dizziness and a loss of focus are symptoms of the nervous system.
  • Hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, and hypercholestemia are metabolic disorders.
  • Edema; palpitations; elevated blood pressure; shortness of breath; cardiovascular thromboembolic adverse events (heart attacks, angina pectoris, and peripheral vascular events); cardiovascular thromboembolic adverse events (heart attacks, angina pectoris, and peripheral vascular events); cardiovascular thromboembolic adverse events (heart attacks, angina pectoris, and peripheral vascular events); cardiovascular thromboembolic adverse events (heart attacks, aggravated hypertension, syncope, congestive heart failure, ventricular fibrillation, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary edema, pulmonary embolism, cerebrovascular accident, peripheral gangrene, angina pectoris, coronary artery disorder, myocardial infarction, palpitation, tachycardia, thrombophlebitis; unstable angina, aortic valve incompetence, sinus bradycardia, and
  • Depression, sleeplessness, and sleep disorders are all mental-emotional issues.
  • Muscle discomfort and weakness; myopathy; connective tissue damage are all musculoskeletal conditions (e.g. tendinoses)
  • Nutrient interactions: May cause anemia, depression, high homocysteine, and an increased risk of some malignancies by depleting folic acid.


These “cholesterol-lowering” medicines prevent cholesterol from being synthesized in the liver. Because cholesterol is such a crucial component in the body, interfering with its production may have far-reaching consequences. The possibility of soft-tissue and muscle injury is especially concerning for active individuals, but the rest of the side effects aren’t exactly pleasant.

Important side effects include:

  • Diarrhea, dyspepsia; constipation; gastroenteritis; flatulence; periodontal abscess; gastritis; pancreatitis; nausea/vomiting; periodontal abscess; gastritis; pancreatitis; nausea/vomiting Affected liver functions, increased liver enzymes, high bilirubin, hepatitis, jaundice, fatty changes in the liver, cirrhosis, fulminant hepatic necrosis, and liver failure are all hepatic adverse effects.
  • Headache, dizziness, insomnia, hypertonia, paresthesia, vertigo, neuralgia, sleepiness, tiredness, weakness, cranial nerve dysfunction, tremor, memory loss, cognitive decline, peripheral neuropathy, polyneuropathy, and peripheral nerve palsy are all symptoms of the nervous system.
  • Angina, vasodilation, palpitations, edema, and elevated blood pressure are all symptoms of circulatory/cardiovascular disease.
  • Depression, anxiety, poor cognition, reduced libido, sleeplessness, suicidal thoughts, delusions, paranoia, agitation, nightmares, and disorientation are all mental-emotional symptoms.
  • Myalgia; muscle weakness; back pain; arthritis; tendon rupture. Musculoskeletal: Severe myopathy and rhabdomyolysis (rare); myalgia; muscle weakness; back pain; arthritis; tendon rupture. Renal failure; increased creatine kinase; myoglobinuria (muscle protein secreted in urine); proteinuria (protein excretion in urine). When statins are used with fibric acid derivatives, niacin, cyclosporine, erythromycin (macrolides), or azole antifungals, the risk of musculoskeletal adverse effects increases. Older individuals, smaller people, women, and those with renal and/or hepatic dysfunction, perioperative periods, hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, and alcoholism all have a higher risk of statin-induced myopathy.
  • Interactions between nutrients: CoQ10 levels may be depleted, resulting in decreased energy and cardiac function.

Proton pump inhibitors are used in the stomach (PPIs)

Proton pump inhibitors (sometimes known as “acid reducers”) are one of the most often given medicines for gastro-esophageal reflux disease in North America, alongside statins (GERD). Unfortunately, they may cause havoc with the remainder of the GI system, perhaps exacerbating the issue.

Important side effects include:

  • Bowel irregularity; aggravated constipation; dyspepsia; dysphagia (difficulty swallowing); dysplasia (abnormal lining of the stomach or epithelial layer/mucosa); eructation (aka burping); esophageal disorder; diarrhea; gastroenteritis; GI hemorrhage; changes in appetite; ulcerative stomatitis; nausea/vomiting; microscopic co
  • Confusion, dizziness, hypoesthesia (a loss of touch or sensation), insomnia, migraine exacerbation, paresthesia (“pins and needles” feeling), sleep disorder/sleepiness, tremor, vertigo, and seizures are all symptoms of the nervous system.
  • Glycosuria (glucose excretion in urine); hyperuricemia (high uric acid); hyponatremia (low sodium); increased alkaline phosphatase; extreme thirst; vitamin B12 insufficiency; and weight gain/loss are all metabolic issues. If used for an extended length of time, it may induce low serum magnesium levels (hypomagnesemia) (in most cases, longer than one year).
  • Angioedema; tachycardia; chest pain; irregular heartbeat; chest pain; edema; high blood pressure; circulatory/cardiovascular: angioedema; tachycardia; chest pain; irregular heartbeat; chest pain; edema; high blood pressure
  • Goiter is a hormonal condition.
  • Musculoskeletal: Tetany (muscle spasm); arthralgia (arthritis aggravation); arthropathy; cramps; fibromyalgia syndrome; hernia; hypertonia; polymyalgia rheumatica; back pain; myalgia (muscle pain); bone fracture (esp. with long-term use).
  • Folic acid, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, calcium, iron, zinc, and protein may be depleted as a result of nutrient interactions.

Thyroid medications

Many individuals in our coaching programs, especially women, are dealing with weight gain and sluggishness as a result of poor thyroid function and are taking thyroid medication as a result.

Important side effects include:

  • Diarrhea, as well as increased stomach motility, are gastrointestinal symptoms.
  • Seizures are a symptom of the nervous system (rare)
  • Weight loss; changes in diabetic symptoms are all metabolic.
  • Cardiovascular events, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, tachycardia, arrhythmia, cardiopulmonary arrest, hypotension, myocardial infarction, phlebitis, and angina are among conditions that may be worsened in individuals with underlying cardiovascular problems. TSH deficiency is linked to a higher rate of premature ventricular beats, a higher left ventricular mass index, and better left ventricular systolic performance.
  • Insomnia is a mental-emotional problem.
  • Menstrual irregularities, adrenal insufficiency
  • Musculoskeletal: Osteoporosis & loss of bone density
  • Nutrient interactions: May cause anemia, weakness, tiredness, hair loss, brittle nails, and a weaker immune system by depleting iron.

magnifying glass and stack of magazines

What should I do?

Be a cautious shopper and a well-informed patient. Carefully consider all drug options. Your pharmacist, in particular, may be a valuable resource.

If you use medicine on a regular basis, double-check all of the possible adverse effects. RxList.com and MerckManual.com are two useful websites.

Over-the-counter medicines should be used with the same caution as prescription prescriptions. OTC does not always imply no side effects.

Check for drug interactions as well as supplement interactions. Consult your pharmacist and do your own research. As you can see, several common medicines interfere with normal digestion, GI function, and nutritional absorption and utilization. If your liver, for example, isn’t working correctly, any vitamins you take may not be digested effectively or safely. Additionally, medicines and supplements may have a synergistic effect. Combining an allergy/asthma beta-agonist with a “fat burner” (which has stimulant effects) for example, may be dangerous to one’s heart.

Recognize that medicines may have a significant impact on your body composition, physical performance, and general health. If you’re having trouble getting results from a good health and fitness regimen, it’s possible that underlying health issues or prescription usage are to blame.

Consider hiring a coach. Improving your diet and exercise habits may frequently help you cut down on your prescription consumption. Check out our coaching for men and women for some assistance. No matter what you’re dealing with, a competent coach can help you work with your existing medicines to achieve the greatest potential outcomes for your body.

Consider learning more if you work in the fitness industry. We educate motivated fitness professionals the art and science of nutrition counseling via our Certification. Among the topics covered are how to work with clients who have special medical conditions, how to deal with medication use, and much more.

Keep practicing the healthy habits that really count, regardless of the result of your exercise and nutrition program. The more active, healthy, and well-nourished you are, the less medicines you’ll need to take.

Do you want to be the healthiest, fittest, and strongest version of yourself?

Most people are aware that getting enough exercise, eating properly, sleeping well, and managing stress are all essential for looking and feeling better. However, they need assistance in putting that information into practice in the context of their hectic, often stressful lives.

Over the last 15 years, we’ve utilized the Coaching approach to assist over 100,000 customers lose weight, gain strength, and improve their health… over the long haul… no matter what obstacles they face.

It’s also why, via our Level 1 and Level 2 Certification programs, we educate health, fitness, and wellness professionals how to coach their own clients through similar difficulties.

Interested in becoming a coach? Join the presale list to save up to 54% and get a seat 24 hours before the general public.

On Wednesday, July 14th, 2023, we will be accepting applications for our upcoming Coaching.

If you’re interested in learning more about coaching, I recommend signing up for our presale list below. Being on the list provides you with two distinct benefits.

  • You’ll get a better deal than everyone else. We want to reward the individuals that are the most engaged and driven since they always create the greatest customers. If you join the presale list, you’ll save up to 54% off the general public pricing, the lowest we’ve ever given.
  • You’ll have a better chance of getting a place. We only offer the program twice a year to ensure that clients get the particular care and attention they need. We sold out in minutes the last time we started registration. By signing up for the presale list, you’ll be able to register 24 hours before the general public, boosting your chances of getting in.

This is your opportunity to transform your body and your life with the assistance of the world’s finest trainers.

[Note: If you currently have your health and fitness under control but want to assist others, look into our Level 1 Certification program.]


Weight lifting is a key component of any physical activity program, both in terms of health benefits, and to maximize muscle hypertrophy. However, there is an increasing number of people who are experiencing problems with their workout regimen. When you ask these people what is bothering them, they will most likely tell you that their workout is not yielding the results they desire.. Read more about exercise prescription pdf and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get exercise on prescription?

Yes, you can get exercise on prescription.

Can personal trainers prescribe exercise?

Yes, personal trainers may prescribe exercise.

What is the exercise prescription for health and fitness?

The prescription for health and fitness is to exercise at least three times a week.

Related Tags

This article broadly covered the following related topics:

  • merck manual drug information
  • contrave
  • bipolar medication
  • prescription weight loss pills
  • weight loss medication
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