Father’s Day is just around the corner! For many families, a Father’s Day meal and a shared moment together is an important part of growing up. For others, it’s a day for a big celebration, a special meal with friends or family, and a day to reconnect with the child that was, or the father that could have been.

Father’s Day is June 16, and this year, many people will be celebrating Dad’s achievements and the summer solstice on June 21. During the solstice, the sun will rise at exactly 12:30pm for a moment in the sky known as “parhelion.” While many people in the United States will be heading outside to celebrate with friends and family, some will be reading about the effects of cannabis on these experiences, and how it can make a difference for dad.

Welcome to the list, I’m your host, Tom!

You’ve heard of the 420, but have you heard of the 620? I’m not talking about 6:20 or 6:20, I’m talking about the 20th. June. June 20 is a special day this year. The 20. June is a holiday for fathers all over the world. Father’s Day falls on the 20th. June, and it happens to be the longest day of the year. I’m not saying that because Dad wants to be spoiled and it just stretches the day. I say that because this year Father’s Day falls on the same day as the summer solstice. Father’s Day is the longest day of the year, so make sure you give your dad the right gift. If you have a radio dad and he likes to participate in Wake and Bake or morning, afternoon and evening seshas, you can expect an unusually long day of relaxation. There are many 420 gifts you can give your dad this year 620. The best gift one can receive, besides endless love, a homemade card and a pair of socks or underwear, is of course the gift of weed. If daddy has a lot of weed, you can get him a cool outfit to match his stash. There are all kinds of great products, from curling irons to incense sticks and everything in between, that can help make dad’s eyes shine this Father’s Day.

Summer Solstice paving the way for cannabis Sungrown

The summer solstice also sets the tone for all beautiful outdoor cannabis plants. There is a lot of confusion between outdoor and indoor cannabis. I hear that all the time. The pharmacies say: We made a deal on this button because it’s on the outside. This facepalm emoji goes through my head as soon as I hear it. Sometimes I really do live that emoji. Just because cannabis is grown outdoors doesn’t mean its quality is any less. I’ve been growing great weed outside. Apparently these people have never been to the west coast of the United States. word-image-4087 The longest day of the year is ideal for cannabis plants because it allows them to absorb the sun’s energy and store it for growth. With so much sunshine, they obviously need a good mix of rain or water to stay healthy, but without those long days, cannabis, like many other plants, wouldn’t be the same. The long, hot summer days that prompt us to cool off in the water have the same effect on our plants. Because of the hot sun and longer daylight hours, outdoor plant enthusiasts need to make sure their plants are adequately watered. This applies not only to cannabis plants, but to all plants. So don’t forget to water your daisies, marigolds, hibiscus or other plants. Whatever you do, don’t ask Dad to do it on the 20th. June to do. Unless your daddy bought you great tools and toys to use outside.

Making arrangements so Dad doesn’t have to do it

Did a dad somewhere pull some strings to make Father’s Day the longest day of the year this year? I don’t think anyone can answer that question with certainty. We know that this Father’s Day, the 20th. June 20, 2023 is going to be a long day, so make sure you are well prepared and have everything on hand to make it a great day. Stock up on charcoal, lighter fluid, propane, butane, bug spray, ice, water, snacks and, of course, lots of eco-friendly products. If your father doesn’t use cannabis and you do, day 620 could be a long day for you. It is important to remember that some mothers play the role of both mother and father. So, if you have a cool mom who also plays the role of a dad, don’t forget to congratulate her on this Father’s Day. If you’re looking for the perfect gift for Father’s Day, go to Google and type in cannabis gifts for dad and you’ll see a world of great gifts open up before your eyes!  Whatever you want to give your dad, let him know how much he means to you by spending the longest day of the year with him and showing him your unconditional love! word-image-12141 Ashley Priest is a patient, mother, entrepreneur and activist fighting for the abolition of drug prohibition around the world, for a better future for all. Ashley is passionate about sharing knowledge about the divine plant that is cannabis. She believes that one seed can make all the difference and that together, through education, we can end the stigma that prevents cannabis from reaching its full potential worldwide.

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