The carnivore diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet that promotes weight loss and encourages healthy eating. It requires eating predominantly meat and animal products such as eggs, dairy, and seafood.

You’ve seen the results. Celebrities such as Beyonce, Jessica Alba, Chris Pratt and Jamie Oliver have all adopted the Carnivore Diet. Why? The Carnivore Diet is interesting because it’s not only a diet—it’s a lifestyle. It’s based on the principles of the carnivore diet and then takes it a step further. The carnivore diet encourages you to eat more frequently. Since most of the food in the carnivore diet is high in fat, it’s a perfect diet to follow if you’re trying to lose weight.

Why humans prefer carnivores

In our keto instructions and recipes, we recommend eating vegetables from scratch. This is suitable for most people as this vegetable is low in carbohydrates and high in fibre, nutrients and trace elements. They can also be savory.

You can usually eat several servings of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, zucchini and other vegetables without eating more than 20 grams of net carbs per day. In addition, eating a mix of non-starchy vegetables and animal products such as meat and cheese adds variety to your diet, which can make a low-carb diet more interesting and sustainable in the long run.

However, not everyone has complete success with a low-carb, high vegetable ketogenic diet. According to feedback from various websites, Facebook groups and discussion forums, some people initially tried the keto diet but were not satisfied with their results, prompting them to try Carnivori.

In general, most people on a meat diet have a lingering health problem that the keto diet, for example, has not completely eliminated. B. lack of weight loss, mental illness, autoimmune disorders or uncontrollable cravings, says Dr. Paul Mabry, an American family physician who follows a no-carb diet, runs the Born to Eat Meat blog and hosts the Zero Carb Doc Facebook group, which has more than 8,500 members.

Dr. Mabry says he was totally addicted to sugar and initially did well on a keto diet with lots of vegetables. He lost 20 pounds on the keto diet, but his weight stuck at 230 pounds, about 15 pounds above his ideal weight. He also continued to have eczema on his hands, had a voracious appetite and a tendency to overeat.

Even the smallest amount of carbohydrates can trigger cravings in me. I can handle the vegetables, Dr Mabry.

In 2015, he started a carnivorous diet, eating almost 80% fat and 20% protein. He lost weight, the rashes on his arms disappeared and he no longer had an appetite for food. He now weighs 180 pounds with no problems.

I don’t think everyone needs to go on a carb-free diet. But if you’re like me, someone whose metabolism has been severely disrupted by a lifelong sugar addiction, I think it can help, he says, referring to a total abstinence from carbs approach.

Australian Jane Jordan, a former nurse, has been following the keto diet for seven years with good results. She lost weight, normalized her blood sugar and blood pressure, and disappeared from her migraines and irritable bowel syndrome.

When Jordan was diagnosed with early-stage glaucoma – a disease that runs in her family – in the spring of 2018, she found several reports that a no-carb diet could help her eyesight. Recent studies have shown that vitamin B3, known as nicotinamide, can be an effective prevention or treatment for glaucoma. The foods richest in niacinamide are meat, poultry and seafood.

Why don’t you try it? I had nothing to lose, Jordan said.

After seven months on a carnivorous diet, a second check of his eyes by an optometrist in October 2018 revealed no signs of disease. I am convinced that the carbohydrate-free diet has reduced the disease, she says.

Currently, there are no studies on a carnivorous diet for glaucoma. But there is evidence of improved health as early as 1799, with the publication of a report on a case where a diet of only meat, combined with other treatments, permanently cured type 2 diabetes (although it is more accurate to speak of remission or management).

These stories are anecdotes and do not equate to good research. We usually hear more positive stories from people who take Carnivore. There are no studies on how many people got better and how many have negative symptoms or no improvement.

However, it is clear that not everyone is guaranteed success with this diet. Other people complain in Facebook groups and forums about weight gain, bloating, indigestion, increased body odor, acne, tartar, and other unwanted or unsatisfactory results after switching to a carbohydrate-free diet.

Famous podcast host Joe Rogan publicly commented on his explosive diarrhea, but noted that it went away on its own after a few weeks. Unproven studies by Drs. Sean Baker and Amber O’Hearn report few side effects and mostly positive results.

Experts express opinions: some in favour, some against, some with concerns

Among low-carb specialists, the carnivorous diet is controversial.

Dietitian Rhonda Patrick, PhD, is concerned about the potential for negative changes in the gut microbiome and the risk of micronutrient deficiencies. Why would anyone try such a restrictive diet without published research or long-term evidence? Why do you do it? she said in an October 2018 podcast with Joe Rogan. She says the most common reason is to try to influence current autoimmune diseases.

Dr. Georgia Ede, a psychiatrist, supports the diet experiment. In her popular blog Diagnosis Diet and in this video about whether vegetables are really necessary for health, she concludes that there is no clear scientific evidence that vegetables are necessary. She told attendees at the 2018 Low-Carb Conference in San Diego that she is trying a meat-based diet herself and has seen positive results so far, including improved sleep, stable mood, and resolution of migraines and nighttime leg cramps.

Dr. Ted Nyman says he now has many patients who have tried the carnivorous diet for 30, 60 and 90 days, usually with good results and normal lab values. However, he concluded that this arrangement could have more serious long-term consequences. I have a handful of patients who have been doing this for over six months and report vague fatigue. Laboratory tests in these individuals are usually normal, except for very low, below-normal folate levels. (Folate, or vitamin B9, is an important vitamin found in large quantities in green vegetables, egg yolks, meats, avocados, and legumes. Here’s a list of dietary sources of folate).

Dr. Steve Finney is concerned about possible deficiencies of sodium, magnesium and potassium in people following a meat diet.

Dr Jason Fung said: There is little scientific evidence to support this. But if it works well for people, I have no problem with it. And if micronutrients are an issue, you can always take daily vitamins.

Other low-carb experts interviewed for this article chose not to: There are no long-term studies. I prefer not to comment, was the most common response.

Most nutritionists, who are generally not in favor of a low-carb ketogenic diet, are alarmed. They call the carnivorous diet extreme, crazy and a bad idea.

Magazines, blogs and media from

Despite the controversy, some famous people tell how a meat-eating diet has helped them solve their persistent problems, including mental illness and serious autoimmune disorders.

One of the most powerful and dramatic stories is that of Canadian Michaela Peterson, who suffered from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis so severe that she had to have three joints (one hip and two ankles) replaced before the age of 17. She also suffered from severe fatigue, anxiety and depression. In 2015, she began eliminating foods to see if a particular food was contributing to her autoimmune problems. Eventually she ate only beef, salt and water and all the symptoms disappeared.

Peterson’s father is the controversial University of Toronto psychologist Jordan Peterson, PhD, author of the best-selling 12 Rules for Living. Mr Peterson noticed an improvement in his daughter’s health, adopted the same diet and said it helped him with his ongoing depression. Michaela and Jordan’s stories have been published on .

Other prominent advocates include orthopedic surgeon Dr. Sean Baker, Kelly Hogan, who runs the blog My Zero Carb Life, and Esme La Fleur, who runs the site ZeroCarbZen, where she interviews other carnivores about the effects of the diet on their health.

Meat Rx, Dr. Baker’s website, collects hundreds of testimonials about personal health changes. Just Meat, a website created by Bitcoin entrepreneur Michael Goldstein, contains a large collection of articles, historical documents, archaeological research and other references about meat consumption.

The site Just Meat contains the entire archive of the late Owsley Stanley, aka Bear, former sound engineer (and LSD supplier) of the Grateful Dead. Stanley had been a meat eater for some 50 years, and although the rock band loved his drugs, they ignored his dietary recommendations. His story is fascinating to read.

Some of the most scientific and nuanced articles on the carnivorous diet come from Amber O’Hearn, who runs the popular Mostly Fat blog and website. O’Hearn, a mathematician and computer scientist, has been a meat eater for more than a decade and says she will stick to this diet her entire life because it is the only way she has found to control her bipolar disorder. She speaks at many low-carb conferences and even hosted her own carnivore conference in 2019. The full podcast is available on the subscriber page.

I’m not simply promoting a carnivorous diet, says O’Hearn. If you can follow a more varied low-carb diet and get good results, why not? But he also rejects the prevailing and uncontroversial view that humans simply must eat vegetables to be healthy and that a purely carnivorous diet is physiologically implausible.

Available studies on the diet of carnivores

Although there are few studies on plant-free diets without randomized control trials, there are several publications on this topic. Amber O’Hearn, for example, has published an article in which she argues that all micronutrient needs, including vitamin C, can be met through diet.

A case series published in December 2023 reports that small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) was eliminated in five of six subjects who started on a carnivorous diet.

An article on the effects of the Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet (PKD) on serum magnesium levels found normal values in all but one subject and reported the occurrence of leg cramps in PKD (possibly caused by magnesium deficiency).

Finally, although not yet published, Harvard University researchers Belinda Lennerz and David Ludwig have begun the largest study of modern carnivores to date. While not a randomized control trial, the online survey-based study aims to collect health information, including blood tests, from people who have followed a meat-based diet for at least six months.

Traces of evidence from our ancient past

Do you have to eat a lot of plants to be healthy? What is the evidence that our human ancestors survived, or perhaps even thrived, by eating mostly meat?

Many of these people claim, based on widely accepted archaeological, anthropological and physiological sources, that humans evolved as carnivores and that fatty meats and offal are the optimal diet for humans. As hunter-gatherers, people could eat plants, tubers, nuts and seeds when meat was scarce, and feast on fruits and berries in the summer to store fat for the winter, but these foods were not necessary to stay healthy. There was meat.

Here are some key points that are often used to show that Homo sapiens evolved by eating mostly meat and fat.

  • Evolution of human brain size : Over the course of human evolution, the size of hominins’ brains increased dramatically. It is speculated that the brain becomes larger as more animal foods of high nutritional and energy density are consumed, especially animal fats. In short, some claim that meat and animal fats gave us brains and made us human.
  • Stomach with high acidity: The human stomach is more acidic than that of other primates. Herbivores and omnivores tend to have less acidic stomachs, whereas the inside of man’s stomach is so acidic that he is counted among the carnivores and not among the other carnivores or omnivores. This acidity could mean that eating carrion played an important role in human evolution.
  • Evolution of human intestinal size : As our brains grew, the length of our digestive tract decreased. Herbivores, such as cows, rabbits and horses, have a long, complex digestive tract to break down plant cellulose, while carnivores, such as lions, wolves and dogs, have a short, simple digestive tract. Omnivores, such as. B. The human digestive tract is slightly longer than that of carnivores, but much shorter and less complex than that of herbivores.
  • Fossils of ancient people and animals: Anthropological studies have found evidence of meat consumption by our distant ancestors over 2 million years ago. Geocaches with human and animal bones in caves and ancient burial grounds offer important clues. The cutting marks and crushed bones of the ancient animals indicate probable traces of slaughter and bone marrow extraction.

Analysis of the ratio of nitrogen to carbon in the bones of prehistoric humans and Neanderthals could shed light on the protein source of their diet. Studies have shown that Neanderthals probably fed almost exclusively on large fat mammals, such as the woolly mammoth. When these big animals, like. B. elephants, became rare, but early modern humans were able to survive because they could feed on more diverse sources, such as. B. freshwater fish and small mammals, while they remained primarily carnivorous.

  • Caves Art: Bones found in caves are evidence, but what did early modern man draw in ancient caves like the Altamira cave in Spain and the Chauvet cave in France? Berry bushes and leafy vegetables? Nuts and tubers? No. Animals! Many, many animals: Bison, horses, deer, aurora borealis, wild boar and even (in some cave systems) rhinos, mammoths and lions. These drawings, often more than 30,000 years old, are believed to represent symbolic shamanic rituals designed to increase hunting success, the tribe’s primary and most important food source.
  • The agricultural revolution is the cause of ill health: Bestselling author and scientist Jared Diamond famously wrote the essay The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race in 1987, in which he compiles a wealth of evidence and concludes that the invention of agriculture was a catastrophe from which we have never recovered.
  • A meat-only study: Let’s go back to the early 20th century. In the 19th century, Arctic explorer Wiljalmur Stefansson (1879-1962) undertook three expeditions to the Canadian Arctic and lived with the Inuit. For at least seven years he lived only on meat. Others did not believe that such a diet could be healthy, so in 1928 he and a colleague were placed in a ward at Bellevue Hospital in New York, where they were subjected to an exclusively meat-based diet (with a lot of organ meat) for a year and studied intensively from all clinical angles.

At first the meat was too lean and made Stefansson sick, but when the amount of fat was increased, the pair began to thrive. A second article published in 1930, based on the results of this one-year study, showed that there was no vitamin deficiency, the bowels were functioning normally, the teeth were healthier, and the subjects were mentally and physically active, with no specific physical changes in any body system. In the late 1950s, a few years before his death, Stefansson gave a fascinating television interview about his experiences.

  • Inuit teeth: In 1929, around the same time as Stefansson’s study, a Harvard dentist examined Inuit teeth. He concluded that a strict meat-based diet is the ideal way to keep the human mouth healthy.
  • The crucial role of vitamin B3 : Vitamin B3 is found in meat, fish, eggs, cheese and milk, as well as in some plant foods. It is an essential nutrient for the functioning of all our cells and our nervous system. Nicotinamide, or nicotinic acid, found in human food, is believed to have played a key role in human evolution, particularly in the development of the brain and central nervous system.

Vitamin B3 deficiency, called pellagra for centuries, was a terrible disease known by the four Ds – dermatitis (scaling of the skin), diarrhea, dementia and death. In 1915, American epidemiologist Joseph Goldberger determined that a diet low in animal protein was the cause of the disease.

While none of these factors prove that following a carnivorous diet is preferable in this day and age, they are important arguments used by proponents of a carnivorous diet who claim that humans have evolved to rely heavily on animal products.

Palaeomedicine in Hungary: Treatment of major diseases with a carbohydrate-free diet

Although a growing number of physicians recommend a low-carb ketogenic diet for a range of health problems, we are currently aware of only one medical clinic that uses a low-carb, animal-only ketogenic diet as therapy for a wide range of serious conditions. This clinic is the International Centre for Medical Intervention in Nutrition (ICMNI), also known as Paleomedicine, located in Zalaszentgrot, Hungary.

The team, led by neurobiologist Jofia Clemens and physician Chaba Toth, uses its paleo diet therapy protocol to treat a variety of autoimmune diseases, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, mental disorders and even cancer.

Their protocol, developed in 2010-2011, is consistent with what the clinic thinks early modern humans ate. The diet has a ratio of two parts animal fat to one part animal protein. Acceptable sources of protein are fatty red meat and offal, preferably from pasture-raised cattle. Nitrates, nitrites and meat additives are not permitted. Very small amounts of vegetables – mainly leafy greens – are allowed as long as they do not put the person out of ketosis, but they are not considered essential.

Eggs are eliminated at the beginning of the diet, but reintroduced after about six weeks to see if they cause any negative symptoms (in some people, they do). This diet avoids dairy products, fruits, sugar, grains, starchy vegetables and processed carbohydrates.

According to Dr. Toth, the clinic has treated more than 10,000 patients with the paleo diet since 2013. They have published examples of reversing Crohn’s disease, halting the progression of type 1 diabetes, reversing precancerous lesions and halting the growth of malignant tumors of the soft palate, rectum and brain. His groundbreaking and controversial work has been the subject of a series of podcasts, articles and presentations. Their results have not yet been replicated by other research centers or studied in experimental studies.

In an interview with , Dr. Toth described how he spent years searching for a way to cure his own health problems: Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, severe eczema and severe Crohn’s disease. First, he discovered that the paleo diet helped his ailments, but did not cure them.

It wasn’t until he combined the paleo diet with the ketogenic diet that his health problems were resolved. In fact, all the doctors at the clinic now eat this way, he says. We believe this is a healthy way to eat and take care of yourself.

Role of intestinal permeability

According to Drs. Toth and Clemens suggest their experience suggests that an important mechanism of the diet may be the positive effect on intestinal function, healing and reversing intestinal permeability, also called the hole in the gut.

Although conventional medicine has largely dismissed the theory linking the disease to a leaky gut as pseudoscientific, recent research confirms that a breakdown of the intestinal barrier can occur. Studies from several academic institutions indicate that increased intestinal permeability is a common feature of a number of autoimmune and chronic diseases.

A healthy gut absorbs nutrients and energy for the body and is better able to repel germs, antigens and other potential pathogens. The theory is that increased permeability allows unwanted substances to cross the intestinal barrier, leading to inflammation and a dysfunctional immune response. If your gut permeability is high, chances are that all biological membranes are not functioning properly, such as the blood-brain barrier, says Dr. Toth.

All Paleomedicine patients undergo a test called PEG400 to measure intestinal permeability before and after beginning the diet. Dr. Toth said that by repeating the test, they at Paleomedicina have shown that their paleoketogenic diet can restore the normal permeability of the intestinal wall within a few months.

What about colon cancer?

Should we not eat vegetables and fiber to prevent colon cancer? Leading health organizations, such as the World Health Organization and the World Cancer Research Foundation, say red meat causes colon cancer and constantly urge us to eat less of it. Does an all meat diet increase the risk of changes in cancer cells?

There is a detailed guide on red meat and another on diet and cancer, which looks at the weak data on red meat and cancer and whether vegetables have a protective effect. In short, we believe that these recommendations are not supported by the science.

None of the people interviewed for this article who follow the meat-eating diet, nor those who write and publish about it, are concerned about their personal risk of developing colon cancer. Most of them reported that they were more concerned about vegetables and grains irritating their gut, and that they personally seemed to have better gut function after the diet.

Some cite a 2009 epidemiological study showing that vegetarians in the UK had a higher rate of colon cancer than meat eaters.

Over the past decade, an increase in the incidence of colorectal cancer has been observed in people between the ages of 19 and 39 in many parts of the world, including the United States, Australia and Canada. The cause is unknown, but the authors of the study who discovered the increase say it may be linked to the obesity epidemic, sugar consumption, an unspecified environmental factor or another as yet unknown risk factor.

N=1 : My monthly test

When Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt asked me to research and write this guide to carnivorous diets, it was clear that I had to try this diet myself.

I wasn’t sure I wanted to. I love vegetables and salads. I have a large vegetable garden; tending it and eating the fruit is a source of joy. Also, since I started following the ketogenic diet in 2015, I have not had any major health problems. I’m happy with my weight now; I don’t have autoimmune issues or mental health problems; I don’t have problems controlling carb cravings.

In short, unlike many people who try the carnivore diet, I had no compelling motivation – other than this guide – to try this type of diet.

I also didn’t want to tell my family and friends that I only eat meat. It was extreme. It was not suitable for dinners, dinners with friends and other forms of socializing. I didn’t want to be lectured about the dangers of meat or for my friends to think I had developed an eating disorder.

So I made a silent attempt without telling anyone. At first I thought I would only do one week, but I realized that was too little to show anything.

It takes about 30 days, often longer, to see a noticeable difference from a direct ketogenic diet, advises O’Hearn.

Calmer bowel movements, less body fat, more hot flashes

First I ate like this
  • I either had eggs and bacon for breakfast or skipped breakfast altogether. Every morning I drank a cup of coffee with fat-free cream.
  • For lunch, I often made ground beef with butter and salt, sprinkled with a little grated cheddar cheese. If I haven’t had breakfast yet, I can have two eggs for breakfast or a cheddar omelet. Sparkling water was my main drink all day.
  • Dinner usually consisted of a piece of meat – steak, ribeye, pork chop, sausage, lamb chop, liver – with a little fresh kale or salad from my garden (as allowed by paleo protocol). There weren’t enough vegetables to call it a salad – and there was no dressing – but it was just a little color to keep my plate from looking so empty. Honestly, I found it hard to look at a plate of only meat. When you see the greens and chew a few sprigs of kale or parsley along with the meat, you feel refreshed. I called it a flavour cleaner.
  • I didn’t snack at other times of the day. This was supported by the adjustment to the keto diet that had already taken place. I wouldn’t be able to eat like this if I didn’t follow a low-carb keto diet for three years.
  • Gastrointestinal tract : For the first four days, I had significant digestive problems – especially diarrhea that occurred in the middle of the night. This is not good. But then my intuition calmed down, and for the next 30 days I was surprisingly calm.
  • Weight: I lost 2 pounds in two weeks and I didn’t gain them back in 30 days. During the three years of the ketogenic diet, my weight became very stable. I thought that was the lowest I could reasonably go as a 60-year-old woman. That’s not the case. But a month after I stopped eating meat, I gained 2 kg again.
  • Body fat: My body fat percentage, which had dropped from 36% to 29% during the keto diet, dropped further to 26.5%. My training plan remained the same.
  • Fast blood glucose: Every morning my blood sugar was 85-86 mg/dL (4.7 or 4.8 mmol/L), which is optimal.
  • Ketones: My daily ketone levels were not that high – usually 0.3 to 0.7 mmol/l. When I was on a low-carb ketogenic diet, my ketone levels were usually around 1.5-2.0 mmol/L.
  • Heat tides: I was very hot, especially after dinner and in the middle of the night. I first thought it was the return of menopausal hot flashes, but in a discussion on Facebook between others with the same reaction, it occurred to me that it might be protein thermogenesis – meat sweat – due to protein digestion. I was uncomfortably hot at times. I thought maybe it was this meat-fired indoor oven that allowed our Paleolithic ancestors to survive in the winter climate, clad only in animal skins and tree bark.
  • Improved skin condition: Some long term sun damage (keratoses) on my legs and shoulders have disappeared. It’s a strange thing.
  • Brain: I noticed no difference in mood, mental sharpness or mental energy between the keto diet and the meat diet. I also think I feel psychologically happier when I eat vegetables. This could be because I had not maintained my garden or used its products for a month, and had not interacted with others for food.
  • The voracious hunger has increased: When I’m on a low-carb keto diet, I usually don’t crave food. With a carnivorous diet, my cravings even increased – significantly. I especially wanted fresh salad, raw and steamed broccoli, fresh fruit and berries – even bread and popcorn. I was also in the mood for something sweet. At a party, I couldn’t resist a table of desserts, which had never happened to me on a keto diet. I think I wanted a different taste, a different feeling in my mouth, if only for a moment. I don’t know exactly what happened to me, but the urge for drugs was strong.
  • Monotony: I definitely felt deprived of flavors and textures, and over time I just didn’t want to eat meat as often. It was very easy to skip meals because sometimes I just didn’t feel like eating anymore. But on the other hand, grocery shopping was easy and cooking and cleaning went very quickly.

The biggest surprise for me was that it changed my body weight by a few pounds, calmed my gut and improved my skin. The hardest part was the exhausting period, the spikes in body temperature, the hunger attacks and the self-imposed social isolation.

I have often thought of Amber O’Hearn’s comment: If you can follow a more varied low-carb diet and get good results, why not?

That’s exactly what I mean. Let it be T-bone! I didn’t really have to diet, so the cuts were significant. I had no health motivation; I felt limited and confined. I haven’t had dinner with friends in a month. I was glad when my event was over.

I am now back on a low carb ketogenic diet with lots of surface vegetables. I love making many of these delicious recipes. I find this way of eating more enjoyable, balanced and sustainable.

However, I do understand better why people with serious or terminal illnesses, who have limited treatment options, try a meat-based diet. In the absence of solid scientific evidence for or against, conducting their own n=1 study for a few months may reveal whether they can benefit.

In the short term, this is unlikely to hurt the situation. But as Dr. Nyman notes, prolonged periods without carbs can lead to health problems in some people. Therefore, for anyone considering filing a lawsuit, it is important to pay close attention to the individual responses. If there is no improvement after a few weeks or months, the diet is probably not working and people can simply return to a more varied and less restrictive low-carb ketogenic diet.

/ Ann Mullens

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is the carnivore diet healthy for you?

The carnivore diet is not healthy for everyone. It is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that can lead to nutrient deficiencies and health problems. The carnivore diet is not healthy for everyone.

When should you eat on a carnivore diet?

You should eat every 2-3 hours.

What are the benefits of the carnivore diet?

The carnivore diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that is designed to mimic the nutritional profile of wild animals. It has been shown to have many benefits for health and well-being. The diet is high in fat, which is a source of energy and essential fatty acids. It also contains high levels of protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The diet has been shown to have many benefits for health and well-being including: Improved brain function Increased energy levels and endurance Reduced inflammation and oxidative stress in the body Improved mood, cognition, and memory Improved sleep Reduced risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes Increased muscle mass and strength Improved digestion and bowel function Reduced risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes Increased bone density

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